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Neighborhood Cats has partnered with the Community Cats Podcast to produce a series of webinars on all aspects of Trap-Neuter-Return. Live sessions are scheduled regularly and attendance is free - upcoming events can be found on the Community Cats Podcast's Community Cat Care Training & Education page. Listed below are recordings, available on YouTube, of our most recent sessions.

Trapper Tips & Tricks webinar

Trapper Tips & Tricks

Drawing from over 20 years of experience working with feral cats, the folks at Neighborhood Cats have gathered together their favorite ways of catching the wiliest of felines. Whether it's putting in a clear rear door, using Spam as bait, wrapping your trap with green garden netting or training a cat to enter your trap, you're bound to learn something new that will improve your trapping success. View here.

Drop trap webinar

The Drop Trap: A Trapper's Best Friend

Trying to catch the last unfixed cat in your colony? Got an elusive feral who just won't go into a box trap no matter how much you spend on roasted chicken? How about catching a litter of kittens all at once - with their mom? All these tough trapping situations and more can be solved with a drop trap! Join Neighborhood Cats, co-designers of the first commercially available drop trap, as they discuss how to use this invaluable tool. Plus lots of tips and tricks for advanced drop trappers, too. View here.

Colony caretaking webinar

Colony Caretaking: Tips & Tricks

Ants getting into the cats' bowls or slugs making mealtime a slimy mess? Are raccoons invading your colony? How do you keep the water from freezing in the middle of winter? Or calm the irate neighbor whose flowerbed has become a litter box? Got fleas? Find out how to deal with these and many more colony caretaking challenges from Neighborhood Cats and their decades of dealing with all things community cat. View here.

Targeted TNR webinar

Targeted TNR & Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck

The more cats you fix, the more impact your TNR program will have, right? Wrong! Spay/neuter volume alone is rarely enough by itself to keep consistently reducing a community's free-roaming cat population over time. Another goal needs to be identifying areas of high need (meaning, lots of cats) and then achieving high sterilization rates in those locations. Discover what targeting is, why it's important and how you can do it whatever the size of your current program. View here.

Building a TNR movement webinar

From the Backyard to the Front Page: Building a TNR Movement

So many cats, so few trappers... and veterinarians... and holding space.... If you live in a populated urban or suburban area and you want to use TNR to address your community's entire free-roaming cat population, you're going to need help! How do you attract volunteers, mobilize the public to get hands-on involved, and gain local support? Learn from the leaders who started New York City's community TNR program and have helped many other municipalities and groups launch their programs as well. View here.

Return-to-Field webinar

Return to Field: How Shelters Save Community Cats

It used to be that a feral cat had little chance of exiting a shelter alive. But that's no longer the case. In recent years, more and more shelters have started Return-to-Field (RTF) programs. Instead of euthanizing community cats (whether feral, friendly or in between), the shelter will spay/neuter, eartip and vaccinate the cats, then return them to where they were found. Learn about the policies behind RTF, the mechanics of running a program, current controversies, and how to combine RTF and TNR to reduce cat populations. View here.